A picture is worth a thousand words

Nothing is more effective and strong in communication and information transferring than a picture or a photo, that will spark various emotion and interpretation within the observers perspective and comprehension.

Stranded rubbish at Likas Bay 

A picture or photos is a tool where anyone can use for their own purpose in their own self intention or bigger purpose in their direction and goal regardless it is for good or bad intention.


Compare to words, the intensity of the information are greater and with a smart phone size of display, anyone with or without proper education can understand or relate to the graphical information and create more emotional respond such as happiness, sadness, anger, laughter, etc.

Jannie and Anne, the Lasimbang sisters leading the community

Historically, there are many photos or picture that change the world especially those that published in the mass media such as the newspaper, video reel and now the internet. Many powerful regime has been brought down just by a simple image that unlike the old days, cannot be ignored or contained as they please.

Wong Tack and SM Muthu looking at the swamp destruction at Telaga, Pitas

That is why, a good picture is not dictated by experienced and equipment of the person but the ability to be aware and prepared for its surrounding and the ability to predict and be ahead in few seconds of any events or incident.

The police are holding their line, against the BERSIH 4 from marching into the city area

But, that is not enough because some of the best picture depicted in a very simple and subtle way where it is unexpected by the person who created it until time catch up with the information as it was intended to be.

The Atkinson Memorial Clock Tower


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